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   e-F@ctory Overview

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   IQ Platform

   FA Integrated Network

   FA Integrated Engineering Software


iQ Platform
Integrated engineering environment for further reduction of TCO
MELSOFT iQ Works is an inte- grated software suite consisting of GX Works3, MT Works2, GT Works3, RT ToolBox2 mini and FR Configurator2, which are program- ming software for each respective product. The strength of this powerful integrated software suite is the easy- to-use graphical system design, which brings a substantial reduction in repetitious tasks and errors while helping to reduce the overall TCO. The integrated engineering software enables easier system project creation throughout the engineering process, ensuring consistency through every step such as for system design, programming, debugging and maintenance.
Efficient project management through intuitive workspace
The main workspace supports easy management of multiple projects, with correlations between different products shown as visual representa- tions. This is ideal for large projects as various control systems can be subdivided into manageable groups.
Graphic-based system configuration, multiple parameter registration
System-level configuration is graphic- based, simplifying project design with parameters capable of being registered. This directly reduces the possibility of errors when setting each system component.
Centralized label database reduces engineering time
The label database is unified, allowing centralized management of system- wide global labels. The dynamic label- ing structure enables system label sharing, which ensures that labels can be used without being conscious of device names, and is also responsive to system configuration changes without having to modify labels within each programming tool.
System management software
MELSOFT Navigator
System level graphic-based configuration tool that simplifies the system design by providing a visual representation of the system. System management fea- tures such as system-wide parameterization, labels and block reading of project data are also included.
MELSOFT Navigator
Graphical and intuitive operability, easy programing by just “selecting”, and diagnosis function for easy troubleshooting reduces engineering cost.
ncorporating legacy support of programs created with GX Developer, GX Works2 further improves its functionality resulting in reduced engineering costs.
Motion controller engineering software
The motion control design and maintenance software includes intuitive graphic based programming together with a digital oscilloscope simulator.
HMI/GOT screen design software
The GOT (Graphic Operation Terminal) screen creation software has been designed with 3 main features; Simplicity, Graphic Design, and Easy-Usability, further helping to create graphic screens with fewer steps.
Robot engineering software
MELSOFT RT ToolBox2 mini
This robot setup software supports various steps from programming, to com- missioning, evaluation, and maintenance. In addition, improved preventative maintenance is realized through the use of an integrated 3D robot simulator.
Inverter setup software
MELSOFT FR Configurator2
This software simplifies the setup and maintenance of AC inverters. Parameters can be registered easily and distributed to multiple inverters when replacing, and activation of the PLC function all from one setup screen.